(Seated, from left) Keita Sugai (director), Mari Suzuki (executive director), Yoko Kaburagi, (standing, from left) Maki Shimada, Yumi Arai, and Sachiko Matsuoka (deputy director).
(English follows Japanese)
新型コロナウイルス感染は収束の見通しが立たぬまま長期化し、今も私たちの生活には様々な形で影響が及んでいます。しかし2022年は世界的にコロナによる規制が緩和され、海外の渡航も可能になりました。今年はウィズ・コロナ(With Corona)下における生活様式が安定的に機能し、通常の生活を送ることが可能となることを願っております。
また、2022年もNF-JLEP Associationで喜ばしいニュースがありました。長年インドネシア教育大学でNF-JLEP運営委員を務められている、デディ・ステディ先生が、同大学言語文化学部日本語教育学科の教授に就任されました。これは、同大学でもインドネシア国内でも、日本語教育分野では初めてのことです。ステディ先生にお祝い申し上げますとともに、今後のますますのご活躍をお祈り申し上げます。
NF-JLEP Association事務局一同
We at the NF-JLEP Association secretariat offer our heartiest wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.
While the pandemic continued to pose a challenge in 2022 and to affect our lives in many ways, travel restrictions have begun to ease, with many countries opening their borders. We hope that living with COVID will be less disruptive in the new year and that our lives will regain a semblance of normalcy.
The Japanese government has also eased restrictions on visitors from abroad, enabling us to resume the Research Grant for NF-JLEP Fellows program, which had been suspended since 2020. One awardee, Dr. Susi Widianti from Indonesia, conducted research on the adaptation of Indonesian employees at Japanese companies in October and November last year as a visiting fellow at Ibaraki University. Another awardee, Dr. Penny Bailey, is conducting research in Tokyo this January.
We are very pleased that two fellows have already taken advantage of the resumption of the Research Grant for NF-JLEP Fellows to conduct research in Japan. We hope that their visit will impact positively on their future research and educational activities.
We were delighted to learn in 2022 that Dr. Dedi Sutedi, a long-standing member of the NF-JLEP steering committee at the Indonesia University of Education, was appointed professor in the university’s Department of Japanese Language Education, becoming the first-ever professor of Japanese language education in the country. We offer our hearty congratulations to Professor Sutedi and wish him continued success.
Research on the factors affecting the career choices of Australian learners of Japanese, conducted by Dr. Fusako Ota of Monash University, is described in an article on the NF-JLEP website. Her insights are quite relevant for Japan, which is increasingly relying on foreign workers to compensate for its low birthrate and aging population.
We hope to showcase the activities of many more fellows in 2023, and we look forward to receiving your articles on activities and research related to Japanese language education. Click here for the guidelines for writing an article.
Wishing you all a healthy and prosperous 2023!
NF-JLEP Association Secretariat