昨年は、新型コロナウイルス感染症の世界的拡大により、皆様にとってもNF-JLEP Association事務局にとっても、様々な困難に直面し、多岐にわたる制約のなかでの活動を余儀なくされた一年だったと思います。社会の急激な変化に柔軟に対応し、NF-JLEPプログラムを継続して実施してくださった運営委員の皆さまに、深く感謝申し上げたいと思います。
フェローの皆さんは、多くの教育機関が一時閉鎖となるなか、児童や生徒たちの日本語学習意欲を維持するために、様々な工夫と新たな取り組みを授業に取り入れて奮闘しておられます。NF-JLEP Associationウェブサイトでは、その姿を記事として紹介しました。皆さんの日本語教育へのたゆみない努力にNF-JLEP Association事務局一同、心から敬意を表します。
NF-JLEP Associationでは、この数年、フェローの更なる日本語教育への貢献を支援する目的で、サポートプログラムを実施してきました。しかし大変残念なことに、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響を受けています。
NF-JLEP Association事務局一同
We at the NF-JLEP Association secretariat offer our hearty wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.
The global outbreak of Covid-19 over the past year has created unprecedented challenges for all of us, forcing us to adapt our programs and activities in the light of the various social restrictions that were imposed. We would like to thank all management committee members for their efforts to continue implementing NF-JLEP programs and activities in spite of these difficulties.
We also thank NF-JLEP fellows who have had to overcome many pandemic-related hurdles to keep teaching the Japanese language. Many have come up with creative and innovative ways to keep students motivated, even when campuses and schools were forced to shut down. Reports of such activities can be read on the NF-JLEP website.
The support programs offered by the NF-JLEP Association in hopes of further contributing to the teaching of the Japanese language have, to our great regret, also been negatively affected by the pandemic.
While the NF-JLEP Visit Japan Program welcomed its first group of five fellows to Japan in January 2020, providing them with opportunities to experience current Japanese society and culture, we are now withholding any new calls for application because of the moratorium on inbound travel.
Also, of the three awardees who had planned to visit Japan under the Research Grants for Graduate Students and University Faculty, one had to cancel her visit, and the remaining two have postponed their plans. We are hopeful that the situation will improve enough to enable the two to visit Japan in the near future. New calls for applications have been put on hold for now.
During 2021–22, we hope to develop new support programs that can help fellows improve their teaching of Japanese even during a pandemic. We look forward to working with fellows and management committee members in the new year to overcome the current difficulties and promote Japanese-language education.
Wishing you much joy and happiness in 2021.
NF-JLEP Association Secretariat