• ニュース
  • 2022.01.05

2022年 年頭のご挨拶

  • -NF-JLEP Association事務局

Standing, from left, are Keita Sugai (director), Sachiko Matsuoka, Mari Suzuki (executive director), and Chie Yamamoto. In the front row are Maki Shimada and Yumi Arai; and on the screen are Yue Zhang and Yoko Kaburagi.




新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大による様々な制約が長期化するなかで、フェローの皆さんが児童や生徒の学習意欲を高めるために継続して様々な努力をしていらっしゃることをNF-JLEP Associationウェブサイトで紹介することができました。このような状況下でも、変わらず日本語教育の推進に情熱を注ぐフェローが沢山いてくださることに、私たちは強く感銘を受けております。

また、NF-JLEP Associationでは素晴らしいお知らせを受けました。オーストラリア、ビクトリア州のモナシュ日本語教育センターディレクターのアン・デクレッツァーさんがオーストラリアにおける日本語教育の推進への多大なる貢献を高く評価され、令和3年度外務大臣表彰を受賞する運びとなりました。デクレッツァーさんの功労に敬意を表し、心よりお祝い申し上げます。

こうした困難な状況下でもフェローが日本語教育を着実に進めることができたのは、NF-JLEP運営委員の皆様の尽力によるものに他なりません。多種多様な方法でフェローを激励および指導をしてくださる皆様に、NF-JLEP Association事務局一同、深く敬意を表すとともに、心からの感謝を申し上げます。



NF-JLEP Association事務局一同



We at the NF-JLEP Association secretariat offer our hearty wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.

The COVID-19 pandemic that began in 2020 continued unabated in 2021, severely restricting movement and seriously disrupting our lives in countries around the world. The eagerly anticipated Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games were held without spectators for the first time and generated considerable controversy, both domestically and globally.

The NF-JLEP Association website introduced articles demonstrating the various efforts fellows have made to motivate their students despite the prolonged, pandemic-induced restrictions. We were very impressed by the passion with which fellows continued to promote Japanese language education, in spite of the obstacles.

We were also delighted to learn that Anne de Kretser, director of the Monash Japanese Language Education Centre in Victoria, Australia, had received a Commendation from the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs in fiscal 2021 for her great contributions to promoting Japanese language education in Australia. We are proud of her achievements and would like to offer our hearty congratulations.

We are indebted to all NF-JLEP steering committee members for enabling fellows to continue their language-related pursuits under very difficult conditions. Please accept our sincerest gratitude for your mentorship.

Regrettably, applications for NF-JLEP support programs for fellows remain closed for the time being. We sincerely hope that the pandemic will soon ease and that we will be able to resume the support programs as in the past.

Wishing you much joy and happiness in 2022.

NF-JLEP Association Secretariat